jewelry exchange

Jewelry exchange news

Jewelry Exchange Creates New Matching Wedding Bands With State-of-the-Art Computer Technology
Jewelry Exchange, one of the nations leading jewelry manufacturers and retailers, recently created a new series of matching wedding rings, utilizing a brand new design and manufacturing technology. Christened the Casada Collection, these matching his-and-her rings offer unique designs with intricate multi-colored, highly polished gold inlays.

Alliance Data Signs Multi-Year Agreement with Friedmans Jewelers, the Third-Largest U.S. Jewelry Retailer
Alliance Data Systems Corporation , a leading provider of transaction services, credit services and marketing services, today announced that it has signed a five-year agreement to provide private label credit card services for Friedmans Jewelers. Headquartered in Savannah, Ga., Friedmans Jewelers is the nations third- largest jewelry retailer with 422 locations. Friedmans Jewelers offers

Jewelry Exchange Creates New Matching Wedding Bands With State-of-the-Art Computer Technology
JewelryExchange, one of the nations leading jewelrymanufacturers and retailers, recently created a new series of matchingwedding rings, utilizing a brand new design and manufacturing technology.Christened the Casada Collection, thesematching his-and-her rings offer unique designs with intricatemulti-colored, highly polished gold inlays.

Alliance Data Signs Multi-Year Agreement with Friedmans Jewelers, the Third-Largest U.S. Jewelry Retailer
Alliance Data Systems Corporation , a leading provider of transaction services, credit services and marketing services, today announced that it has signed a five-year agreement to provide private label credit card services for Friedmans Jewelers.

Rochesters Paint Creek Center for the Arts features the works of artists from the Oasis Gallery in Marquette in an exchange show running now through Aug. 5. The exhibit, Up North - Down South, includes works in a wide range of media, everything from abstract pastel drawings and oil paintings to inkjet prints of composite panoramic photographs of Irish landscapes.

Alliance Data, Friedmans in 5-Year Pact
Alliance Data Systems Corp. Thursday said it received a five-year agreement to provide private-label credit card services to Friedmans Jewelers, the nations third-largest jeweler.

Sun New Media Sells B2C Assets to Focus on B2B Businesses
NEW YORK, July 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Sun New Media Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: SMND) today announced the sale of certain assets to Sun TV Shop, Plc, which has begun to trade on Londons Alternative Investment Market (AIM) on July 6, 2006 . Sun New Media will be selling non-essential assets focused on the consumer new media market in order to concentrate on its strategic plan to connect

Urban Journalism Workshop: Global shopping -- locally
Meander through the restaurants and shops at the new Global Market in Minneapolis, and you might find Ana Chacon smiling at you as her fingers deftly craft a necklace. Chacon, an artisan, runs Arte Hispano (Hispanic Art), a crafts stand in the 75,000-square-foot Global Market, which opened a month ago as part of the Midtown Exchange project at Lake Street and Chicago Avenue. She is among nearly

“The beauty of mother nature is her ability to make complex things appear simple.”-Louis E. Samuels, M.D.
Gold mining at first blush seems like a simple proposition. You buy or lease a promising property based upon preliminary geology, remove and analyze rock samples, and make decisions as to when and where to begin.

Sun New Media Sells B2C Assets to Focus on B2B Businesses
Sun New Media Inc. today announced the sale of certain assets to Sun TV Shop, Plc, which has begun to trade on Londons Alternative Investment Market on July 6, 2006. Sun New Media will be selling non-essential assets focused on the consumer new media market in order to concentrate on its strategic plan to connect businesses with businesses through marketing, information and transactional

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